Did Christ Appear To Mary After The Resurrection? | Power In My Hands

Did Christ Appear To Mary After The Resurrection?

Why don’t the Gospels give an account of an encounter between Mary and the risen Lord? 

St. John Paul II said that, 

“This silence must not lead to the conclusion that after the Resurrection Christ did not appear to Mary; rather it invites us to seek the reasons why the Evangelists made such a choice” (Pope St. John Paul II, General Audience (May 21, 1997).

St. John Paul II gave 5 reasons to believe that Jesus appeared to His Mother: 

  • It can be assumed that Mary was among those “chosen by God as witnesses" (Acts 10:41) and for that reason it would not be necessary to list her name in the Gospel accounts.
  • The Gospel writers may have been trying to avoid a biased account of the Resurrection. Listing Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as a witness would not have been a credible source for those who denied Jesus’ Resurrection.
  • Mary’s absence among the women who were present at the tomb of Jesus at dawn (Mk 16: 1) suggests that she may have seen Him before the others arrived. This is a belief also held by St. Anselm, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Teresa of Avila.
  • Jesus instructs Mary Magdalene to tell the Apostles what she has seen but makes no mention of Mary. This suggests that Mary already knew about the Risen Lord.
  • Lastly, the unique and special character of the Blessed Virgin's presence at Calvary and her perfect union with the Son in his suffering on the Cross seem to postulate a very particular sharing on her part in the mystery of the Resurrection.

Literature and homilies from first century Christians confirm the ideas of St. John Paul II, as do visions from St. Brigid of Sweden and Bl. Maria of Agreda.  


Though we can only assume from the tradition of the Church that Christ appeared to Mary, we know for certain of His deep love for His Mother. This spring, the revolutionary film “Power In My Hands” will introduce the world to the importance of having the same regard for Mary that Christ did. Real-life stories will show what happens when we become a Church devoted to praying the rosary and honoring Our Mother. Watch the trailer here.

In order to prepare your heart now for the message of this film, the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate would like to provide you with a free Mysteries of the Rosary Guide. Begin experiencing the joy and peace that come from this devotion today!