Now Is The Season To Pray The 7 Joys Of Mary

Advent will begin this Sunday, December 3rd. This a beautiful season to learn and pray The Seven Joys of Mary. This special, seven decade Rosary will allow you to journey with Mary and enter into the joys of the Advent season as you prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord.  

Use your Rosary to guide you in this form of prayer known as the Franciscan Crown Rosary since the 15th century.

Say one Our Father and ten Hail Marys for each mystery, adding the Glory Be and Fatima prayer at the end of each decade if you desire. Close your Rosary by saying two Hail Marys to represent the seventy-two years Mary lived here on Earth, and one Our Father and Hail Mary for the Pope’s intentions.

  • 1) The Annunciation 2) The Visitation 3) The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ 4) The Adoration of the Magi 5) The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple 6) The Appearance of Christ to Mary after the Resurrection 7) The Assumption and Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven

As a gift to you, The Rosary Evangelization Apostolate is offering a free Mysteries of the Rosary Guide to help you pray and meditate on the Holy Rosary. Download this helpful guide today to prepare your heart this Advent.

In addition, you can learn the Mysteries of the Rosary and contemplate each milestone event in salvation history and what it means for our lives today. Don't miss the opportunity to deepen your prayer life with this helpful, free guide.